But I found the strength inside…

I wrote a long blog post  2 months ago about how I’ve used Hedley’s music during some of my most difficult days, weeks, months.  They’ve been the thing that I’ve turned to for the last 6 years. They say music saves you and I really, truly, believe it. I’ve been struggling a lot over the last 4 months with my own personal demons and when I first heard Invincible last month I actually laughed because they had done it again. They’d written something that I knew I’d be able to blast and use to make myself feel less alone with my struggles.

I cried watching this music video today. Not only does it help everyone(including myself) understand that they’re NOT alone but it’s inspiring.

It’s crazy how much these 4 have matured since “On My Own”. I’m so proud to call myself a lifelong fan. I can’t wait to sit down for that interview with them on their new tour and finally get the chance to let them know how much they’ve changed my life for the better.

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